Miyerkules, Hunyo 19, 2013

comment from the reader: On SPC defending coral restoration project

The Code Blue project of SPC has shown significant results with primary coral growth and coral colonies increasing in size at a rapid rate. However not all areas where the Reefbuds were placed responded in a similar manner. Certain areas have shown a slower response. We would like to point out that the Code Blue project was completed only last June 2012. Certain areas were rehabilitated only after the summer coral spawning season of 2012. We are hoping to see a full grown coral reef within the next five years. To demand coral growth in few months is ignorance in the part of the MAO marine biologist.
The uncouth and uneducated term of the MAO as cemetryo is a means to blame the Reefbuds for the degenerated state of the
coral reefs. Our baseline survey revealed fields of crushed coral fragments, one meter deep and stretching for kilometers.
It is MAO's failure to stop illegal fishing methods such as Muro ami that has contributed heavily to the damage of the Coral Reefs.
They have also allowed large scale Tourism fishing over Marine Protected Areas which has contributed to the decline of fish population and the loss of fish eating algae. They should stop pointing a finger because four fingers are pointing back to them.

By: Jojo Rodriguez
Sangkalikasan Producers Cooperative

1 komento:

  1. Greetings!

    We'd like to clarify few things. First, our office didn't release any official statement regarding our report for the Sangguniang Bayan. Second, the report was an update and no further conclusions were made. The report contained updates on what have been observed for the initial year after the project was implemented. No demands on coral growth was made. Also, the term "cemetery zone" didn't came from our office. Please check the link for clarification : http://www.yesfm911boracay.blogspot.com/2013_03_10_archive.html. Other issues raised by the above writer won't be answered here.

    We appreciate such opinions above.



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