Linggo, Hunyo 30, 2024

Boost for Victorias City MSMEs at USAID SPEED Event on World MSME Day



Victorias City, Negros Occidental – On June 27, 2024, the Victorias Coliseum buzzed with anticipation as business owners and entrepreneurs gathered for the "DigiCities Masterclass," a key event under USAID's SPEED (Strengthening Private Enterprises for the Digital Economy) initiative, coinciding with World MSME Day. This global observance, designated by the United Nations, celebrates the crucial role of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in achieving sustainable development and promoting innovation.

UNAWA COO Atty. Gino Jacinto at the Victorias Coliseum for "DigiCities Masterclass," Victorias City, Negros Occidental, June 27, 2024.

The event began at 8:30 AM with registration and concluded in the afternoon with a closing message and a photo opportunity. Atty. Gino Jacinto, COO of UNAWA, captivated the audience with his presentation, "From Ink to Click: The Digital Signature Advantage for Small Businesses." This session highlighted the innovative features of UNAWA’s SignSecure platform, which uniquely integrates facial recognition into its e-signature process, ensuring enhanced security and compliance. Atty. Jacinto emphasized the efficiency, faster processes, improved compliance, and cost savings that digital transitions offer, aligning with UNAWA’s mission to support SMEs in their digital transformation journey.

The event, powered by GCash for Business and delivered by StartUp Village, included various insightful sessions. The event flow began with a welcome message and an introduction to the USAID SPEED Activity, followed by sessions on adopting a growth mindset through digitization, leveraging eCommerce for business growth, the advantages of digital signatures, and improving logistics to bridge borders. Representatives from Prosperna, MyKartero, and DigiCities also shared valuable insights. The event concluded with acknowledging partners.

Benefits of SignSecure for MSMEs: SignSecure helps MSMEs streamline their processes by reducing administrative time and speeding up document access and approvals. Digital documentation maintains accurate records, simplifies compliance, and uses automated systems for audit trails and deadline alerts. It reduces the need for storage, paper, printing, mailing, and labor, allowing cost savings to be reinvested in other business areas. Moreover, the facial recognition feature of SignSecure adds a layer of security, ensuring that only authorized individuals can sign documents.

Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) at Victorias Coliseum, Victorias City, Negros Occidental, June 27, 2024.
Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) at Victorias Coliseum, Victorias City, Negros Occidental, June 27, 2024.

What is a DigiCity? A DigiCity is a city that leverages digital technologies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its services, promote economic growth, and enhance the quality of life for its residents. DigiCities initiatives often involve integrating digital solutions across various sectors, including governance, business, and infrastructure, to create a more connected and intelligent urban environment.

Victorias City, one of 27 DigiCities in the Philippines, shares UNAWA’s vision for digital advancement. This masterclass marks a significant step towards empowering businesses through technology and fostering a more robust and inclusive digital economy.

For more information on UNAWA and their suite of digital solutions, visit UNAWA.

About UNAWA Inc
UNAWA is a pioneering legal tech company that was established in 2019. It empowers every Filipino business, big or small, to conquer the digital world with user-friendly legal tech tools. UNAWA makes advanced solutions accessible and affordable to build a thriving digital Philippines. UNAWA integrates the latest technology with decades of legal expertise from its founding partner, PJS Law.
This Press Release has also been published on VRITIMES

5 Crucial Business Lessons from Ellana's Ex-COO and Pont Consultancy Founder


In the world of business, the line between sanity and insanity can get pretty blurry. As Jay Buenaflor, the former COO of Ellana Mineral Cosmetics and founder of Pont Consultancy, observes, the most successful entrepreneurs exhibit traits that may seem unconventional or even "crazy" to some. Yet, it’s this very craziness that sets them apart and propels them to the top.

Jay has spent 26 years mentoring entrepreneurs globally, acting more as a psychiatrist than a traditional mentor. He has identified key traits that contribute to their success and has distilled these observations into five valuable lessons.

1. The Power of Focus!

Successful entrepreneurs display an almost frightening level of focus. When they lock onto a goal, everything else fades into the background. They have the ability to tune out distractions and zero in on what truly matters, often leading to groundbreaking innovations and business growth. This level of dedication can be intimidating to witness, but it’s also a clear indicator of their potential for success.

2. Use Past Experiences as Fuel.

Many accomplished entrepreneurs are driven by something deeply personal. For some, it’s overcoming poverty; for others, it’s proving doubters wrong. This chip on their shoulder pushes them to prove themselves and to achieve what others deemed impossible. This internal drive often translates into a relentless pursuit of excellence and a refusal to settle for mediocrity.

3. Stay Humble and Inquisitive.

Despite their intense drive and focus, great entrepreneurs maintain a sense of humility. They recognize that they don’t know everything and are always eager to learn. This humility manifests in their willingness to ask questions, seek advice, and continually improve. It’s not uncommon for these entrepreneurs to reach out for guidance, and they often value mentorship relationships. 

4. You Need Others!

No entrepreneur can succeed entirely on their own. The most successful ones understand the importance of building and leveraging a strong network. As Theresa Buenaflor, founder of Ellana Mineral Cosmetics, wisely advises, “You can’t do it alone.” Whether it’s through partnerships, collaborations, or simply seeking support from friends and family, exceptional entrepreneurs know how to surround themselves with the right people. 

5. Cultivate Unyielding Positivity.

High-achieving entrepreneurs possess an immense belief in their ability to figure things out, even when the odds are against them. This near-delusional optimism creates a reality distortion field where they see opportunities where others see obstacles. Their positive outlook allows them to persevere through challenges and maintain the energy needed to drive their ventures forward.

Delve into these principles deeply and gain practical insights for your business at Jay's upcoming seminar, "Ellana Cosmetics Untold: 0 to 9-Figure Journey," set on July 27-28, 2024, at Renaissance Tower in Ortigas, Pasig.

For entrepreneurs based in Davao and Cebu, similar seminars will be held in August and September 2024, promising invaluable growth opportunities.

For more details and to secure your spot, visit

About Jay Buenaflor
About Jay Buenaflor: Jay Buenaflor, widely known as the “Biz Doc,” has built a reputation for his dynamic leadership and innovative approach to business growth. For more information, follow Jay Buenaflor on Facebook and LinkedIn. About Ellana Cosmetics: Established with a vision of enhancing natural beauty, Ellana has grown into a powerhouse in the beauty industry, celebrated for its resilience and strategic growth. The brand’s success story is a testament to the power of innovation, dedication, and effective business strategies.
This Press Release has also been published on VRITIMES

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